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Application & Rules

VIII International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition for Young Pianists
1-5 December 2023
, Petrozavodsk,
Republic of Karelia


Application deadline: 20.10.2023


The Age Categories:

      I group – Junior  -    10-12 years old

II group – Middle  - 13-15 years old

III group – Senior  - 16-19 years old

IV group - Young - 20-26 years old



Winners are awarded with diplomas

(1, 2, 3 degrees), diplomas, valuable gifts, scholarships. Laureates receive the 1st Degree Diploma

Repertoire for competition

(includes works by Fryderic Chopin only)

I group

max 10 -12 minutes
a complete performance of several works of different genre

II group

max 12 -15 minutes
a complete performance of several works of different genre

III group
1st Round – max 15 -17 minutes
a complete performance of
-    one or two Preludes or Mazurkas
-    one Etude op.10 (except №6) or op.25 (except №7)
-    one Polonaise

2nd Round
-    one Nocturne
-    one of the following works: 
            Ballade, Scherzo, Fantasia,    
     Variations brilliants, Bolero, Rondo


IV group
1st Round  – max 17-20 minutes
a complete performanc
e of
-    two or three Mazurkas
-    two Etudes op.10 (except №6) or op.25 (except №7)
-    one of the following works: Ballade, Scherzo, Fantaisia, Polonaise, Barcarole


2nd Round
-    one Nocturne
-    one Sonata or two of the following works: Ballade, Scherzo, Fantasia, Polonaise, Barcarole (not performed at the 1st Round)


Application requirements:
The application form below  must be sent before October 20th, 2023 by post or e-mail to Petrozavodsk State Glazunov Conservatory


185031 Russia, Karelia, Petrozavodsk, Leningradskaya St.16,

Petrozavodsk State Glazunov Conservatory


Together with your completed signed application form you will also need to send us:

1. copy of birth certificate or passport
2. Passport photo as a scan

3. Signed Contract of the competition participant (the form will be published on the site)

4. Signed consent to the processing of personal data (the form will be published on the site)

Entrance fee of 3000 russian rubles for each participant up to  November, 22nd, 2023.

For more information , please, visit the page of Petrozavodsk State Conservatory.

Also, for more information please contact: 

The Administrator

or the secretary Phone: +7 8142 672367


1. First Name/ Surname 

2. Date of Birth 

3. Country Represented by Participant

4. Passport Details

5. Place of Studies, Year of Studies

6. First Name and Surname of the Professor

7. Awards at Competitions

8. Home Address

9. Phone/Fax/E-mail

10. Accompanied by 

I agree with the Terms of the Competition 

date _______________________

personal signature____________


Age Group    ______________ 

1st Round     ____________

2nd Round    ______________

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